Resultados: 8

Exclusive breastfeeding after breast cancer. Case study

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (1), 2023
Objective. To develop a care plan focused on assisting a puerperal woman who decides to feed their child through breastfeeding on the contralateral breast. Methods. A case study conducted with a 36-year-old primiparous woman who underwent tumorectomy and left axillary emptying, chem...

Vínculo de las puérperas con sus hijos y experiencias del parto

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (3), 2017
Objective. To analyze the degree of bonding of puerperae with their babies, both in isolation and associated with experiences during and after labor. Methods. A cross-sectional study carried out among 200 puerperae in São José do Rio Preto, Brazil. To evaluate the mother-child bond, we used the Mother-...

Desafíos de la maternidad en la voz de las primíparas: dificultades iniciales

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (3), 2017
Objective. To identify the main difficulties first-time mothers experience in the postpartum period, during the first six months of the baby’s life. Methods. Level I qualitative, exploratory-descriptive study. The sample consisted of 11 first-time mothers of full-term healthy newborns. The data were co...

Uso del crack durante el embarazo: repercusiones para el recién nacido

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (3), 2017
Objective. To know the effects for the newborn of the use of crack in pregnancy. Methods. This is a qualitative study conducted in a university hospital in southern Brazil, in the first half of 2014. Fifteen mothers crack users and five grandparents participated. The data were produced through semi-struc...

Assessment of an educational intervention based on constructivism in nursing students from a Mexican public university

Invest. educ. enferm; 33 (3), 2015
Objective.This work sought to evaluate the effect of an educational intervention centered on the analysis of clinical cases to inquire on conceptual learning in students on the theme of nursing care of women with complicated puerperium. Methodology. This was a quasi-experimental study with before and aft...

La experiencia de las mujeres gestantes: lo invisible

Invest. educ. enferm; 21 (2), 2003
Con el propósito de comprender la experiencia de la mujer gestante se diseño este estudio basado en la fenomenología interpretativa; 35 gestantes fueron seleccionadas entre las mujeres que asistieron a los centros-hospitales de nivel I de atención, de la ciudad de Cali, Colombia, todas de clase socio...

Evolución de los signos y síntomas gastroinstestinales durante el embarazo y el puerperio

Invest. educ. enferm; 19 (1), 2001
En los manuales de obstetricia se encuentran numerosos signos y síntomas gastrointestinales asociados con el embarazo normal que aparecen en determinados momentos del mismo. Los porcentajes de mujeres que los presentan no son registrados en estos manuales y, cuando lo hacen, las cifras son muy variables...